Recent Speaking Engagements
11-18-2020 Library Journal Design Institute - VIRTUAL
Building Community Beyond COVID will focus on rethinking libraries as community gathering spaces. What do spaces for meetings, programs, study, and collaboration look like? For children after school? For the unhoused? How do we serve those who lack computers or the internet and reach those excluded by poverty, race, physical abilities, etc?
Peter Bolek, President, HBM Architects
09-22-2020 National Geographic Magazine
“Americans’ love affair with libraries has only grown during the pandemic—and so has their book borrowing.” Check out this new National Geographic Article on How libraries are writing a new chapter during the pandemic with insight added by HBM’s President and Director of Design, Peter Bolek. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/.../libraries-respond.../#nationalgeographic #libraries #hbmarchitects #toledolibraries
10-11-2019 Library Journal Design Institute - Austin, TX
Panel Discussion on “The Staff Connection: how architects balance the influence of staff on design and design on staff - taking into account staff needs like clear sight-lines; new approaches to staff engagement with users; and trends in staff work spaces”
05-03-2019 Library Journal Design Institute - Columbia, SC
Panel Discussion on “Community - Responsive Design”
10-05-2017 Ohio Library Council Annual Conference - Dayton, OH
Presentation on “Visual Merchandising: Applying Bookstore Insight to Public Library Collections” along with the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
05-05-2017 Library Journal Design Institute - Columbus, OH
Panel Discussion on Key Trends in Adaptive Reuse, Expansion, and Renovation Projects
04-19-2017 DEMCO Webinar
“Re-evaluating Existing Library Spaces & Furnishings on a Budget”
10-20-2016 Library Journal Design Institute - Charleston, SC
A panel discussing ideas for "Interactive Learning Spaces and Customer-centric Spaces in Small Libraries"
06-03-2016 American Library Association Annual Conference - Orlando, FL
Panel Discussion on “Top Library Trends of 2016”
04-18-2016 Association of Academic Health Services Library - Philadelphia, PA
Panel Discussion on “Teaching & Learning in New Library Spaces: the Changing Landscape of Health Sciences Libraries” through a presentation on “Thinking Differently, Embracing Dynamic Change & the Benefits of Flexible Space.”
04-05-2016 Public Library Association Conference - Denver, CO
Panel Discussion on “Creating Alternative Library Facilities”
02-01-2016 Lead the Change: Library Design Workshop Webinar
What to expect when working with architects - from planning, to design and construction, and how designs have revolutionized neighborhoods, become community connectors, and catalyzed the creative economy through innovation.
12-04-2015 Library Journal Design Institute - Nashville, TN
Panel Discussion on “Reflecting the Community.”
09-29-2015 Library Journal Webcast
Presentation discussing “Boundless Libraries: A Look at the 2015 New Landmark Libraries.”