Earlier this week HBM's President, Peter Bolek and HBM's Director of Interiors, Stephanie Shook attended the IIDA Thrive Leadership Roundtable. The conversation was lead by Cheryl Durst, executive vice president and CEO of IIDA. The event was very informative and inspiring and summed up with the following quoate from Ms. Durst:
"Quite simply, the spaces that encompass where our lives happen—the places where we heal, where we work, where we learn, where we gather, museums, theatres, playgrounds, schools, sports facilities, stadiums, civic centers, libraries, concert halls, outdoor festivals—all the places that perhaps we took for granted before, are now places filled with nostalgia. As we re-enter these spaces, let us mandate that they be healthier and safer, but importantly also more inclusive, more equitable—DESIGN FOR HUMANITY.
Thank you to Bethany Williams IIDA Chapter President for organizing the event and to American Interiors for being a great host.
